Wintry Wanderings

Nov 19, 2012 | 0 comments

I’ve actually managed to have an incredibly busy weekend, filled with lots of cooking, exploring, and fun with the few friends that are left in town. Today we headed out around 10:30 to drive and hike around the road that heads east out of town, and watched the sun rise over the almost-frozen Bering Sea.
Safety Sound bridge

It was ridiculously cold out, mainly because of the driving wind this far out from town. I’m going to wager to say the temperatures were definitely in the negatives, as my face and any exposed skin ached within minutes of being outside.


Last Train to Nowhere

You might remember my photos of the “Last Train to Nowhere” from over the summer. Well, a lot can change in 5 months! This abandoned railway is now frozen into the very ground that was so swampy and mosquito-y back in June.

Playing with sunlight

Another place we stopped was Skookum Pass, one of the highest points on the road at around 1200 feet. From here, you can see to the Bering Sea and just miles upon miles of rolling tundra.

View of the Sea
“Chopping” it down with a pocket knife

We went as far as we could out on the road until it got too snowy and treacherous to proceed. We got far enough to the point where there are actually small conifers growing here and there, so we took a quick pit stop to harvest a tiny little one as a Christmas tree that we’ll decorate later this week.

Tiny tree-chopping action

It was a long day, with the amount of time it took to drive out and back, but good to get out after being confined to town for so long and a nice release from some of the recent stress at work. Hopefully this week will be just as good, taking it one day at a time, and trying to look forward to my first solo Thanksgiving (can’t wait to Facetime in with the fam!).


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